DLScott CH.t / CDP / AASD

One of my passions is to read. I love to read books of all sorts, topics, and genres, but I especially love to read books about healing and Hypnosis. On my website,  I recommend the following books

Some of my clients have asked about books that they can read as training books that will show them how to hypnotize themselves, so they can eliminate or manage certain issues or behaviors, and although I know that many people may believe that a how to book on Hypnosis will allow them to take control of their symptoms, I recommend the above books, because all of them can help you get to the core of many issues.

You will notice that the in this list there is no mention of Hypnotherapy training books, or Amazon training books, or even best Hypnosis, but I can assure you that if you want to learn how to alter your state of consciousness, take control of your subconscious thoughts and feelings, then these books get to the heart of matter, and in a very effective way.

I especially recommend Trances People Live, by Stephan Wolinski. It is one of the best books on Mindfulness, and letting go of inappropriate thoughts and behaviors. Throughout the book Dr. Wolinski gives exercises and techniques, that I have personally used for years, and have adapted them for my own clients.

When you are seeking to understand where your deepest beliefs and agreements came from, and  are looking for a way of changing those deepest held beliefs, and agreements, then I highly recommend The Four Agreements.  (Ask any of a number of recovering Crystal Meth Addicts how this book has changed their lives).

Sometimes just learning the technique from a Hypnotherapy training book is not going to help with the deeper issues that keep you stuck. That is why I recommend that you click on any one of the books in the above list, and enhance your journey to health and healing.


If you are wanting to know more about this powerful life altering experience, if you are dealing with emotional stress, and behavioral issues that have you kept stuck, then don’t delay, call Foundations Hypnosis Seattle ~ Everett at (206) 417-4900 today.  https://www.dlscottpersonalenergymastery.com/links-and-resources/