Mindfulness and Hypnosis

Letting go of the Stress that keeps us Stuck.

DLScott CH.t. / CDP / AASD

                I was just having lunch with a friend who was anxious to tell me about the latest book he has been reading. The book sounded great, Eat, Pray, Love, by Elizabeth Gilbert.  As my friend continued to talk about the book, he said how he had heard all of the information before, but the style of writing was such that it was as though he was hearing it for the first time.  

                As I continued to listen to him talk about the book, I heard him say how something is still holding him back from taking action, and he is not sure what it is. I was reminded of my work with clients in counseling sessions, chemical dependency treatment settings, and clinical hypnosis. In all of these cases the client wants desperately to let go of old beliefs and emotions that are holding them back, but they feel stuck.

                I asked him to stop for a moment, and as he asked himself “What is holding me back”, please ask himself the question(s)  “Where did this thought come from” and answer, “from me” ; “who created this thought”, and answer, “I created this thought”,  and finally “Who am I”.  As soon as he got an answer to the last question, “Who am I, no matter what the answer, go right back to the first question, “where did this thought come from?”.  I asked him to please do this 4 or 5 times and then let me know what he came up with.

                His answer, like a lot of my clients, was varied and far reaching.  The reason I asked him to do this exercise was because he seemed to be struggling with letting go of his thought processes, and just taking action or being in the moment.

                It is a common theme in our lives; we become so entwined in our thoughts, in our egos that we forget to experience the moment. We, in fact, become so entwined in our analysis of whatever is going on, that we actually loose ourselves. We lose the experience of the moment, and we become stressed, anxious, nervous, and almost phobic about the idea that WE are not doing this right, WE are not good enough. We are not living up to the expectations of those around us, those who raised or influenced us, and those who told us how we should act, WE actually get lost in the trap of our egos. We begin to believe that we are our thoughts, we are egos, and we forget how to enjoy life.

                This condition can, and does lead to all types of conditions, such as chemical dependency, low self worth, low self esteem, anxiety, phobias, stress, obsessive compulsive behaviors, and eventually great dis-ease in the body.

                How can we stop the madness? One very powerful tool is called Mindfulness, a meditative technique that dates back thousands of years.  At Foundations Hypnosis ~ Seattle ~ Lynnwood ~ Everett, I teach my clients how to regain their own identity, how to let go of the worry about the future, and the guilt of the past, by realizing that they are not their thoughts, they are not their feelings, they are not their bodies, there are the consciousness behind all of these things.

                Using Self-Hypnosis, Mindfulness exercises, such as the one listed above, and powerful Hypnotic trance states, including Emotional Release Therapy, coupled with the power of Neuro-linguistic Programming techniques, clients are able to release deeply held beliefs that have kept them stuck for years.  These beliefs create the emotions that cause them to believe that they are not good enough, not worthy enough, flawed in some manner that they must try to cover over with such behaviors and conditions as excess weight, nicotine addiction, obsessive compulsive behaviors, alcohol and drug abuse, or issues of anxiety and stress.

                Within a few short sessions, clients find themselves letting go of old behaviors with no effort. They begin developing new behaviors, new strategies that allow them to live a happy, healthy, and productive life.

                Just this week, one of my clients was commenting on how surprised he was at the ease in which he was able to give up daily drinking. “I was nervous, I was scared that I would not be able to do it, but now I am facing each day with a new confidence, and new empowerment, that I never knew that I had.” 

                This client has expressed to me that he has started attending support groups, “something I never would have imagined myself doing, and actually getting up each day, looking forward to the day”.

If you are wanting to know more about this powerful life altering experience, if you are dealing with emotional stress, and behavioral issues that have you kept stuck, then don’t delay, call Foundations Hypnosis Seattle ~ Everett at (206) 417-4900 today. Everett counseling therapist and North Seattle Hypnotherapy