Popularized by the movie the Secret, people are finding out that they are not the victims that they once believed themselves to be. Many people are stepping up and recognizing that their lives are the results of their thoughts and their feelings. The thoughts in our brains are primarily composed of images, and these images make up our story.
We have thousands and thousands of thoughts, i.e. images, each day, most of them are simply retreads of the images that we had the day before or the hour before. It is like we are stuck watching endless reruns on TV Land, or Nick at Night, nothing really new, just the same shows over and over again.
How many of you get up in the morning, awake, aware, and grateful to be able to live, experience, and express a new day? Or do you, “as Paul McCartney says”, wake up, get out of bed, drag a comb across your head, make your way down stairs and drink a cup, notice you are late and make it to the bus in seconds in flat.
You face the day, every day with the same expectations, the same images and stories in your head.
It is time to change your Story. Truth to tell there are many ways of doing this, some are easy, some are hard, some are effective and long lasting, some are short lived and very ineffective.
Learning the language of the brain is one of the most effective, safe, and long lasting ways to create and manifest changes in your life, and using Hypnosis Seattle ~ Bellevue’s own Personal Energy Mastery system is one of the most powerful ways of creating long lasting changes in your Story.
The first part of the process is recognizing that we are pure energy, pure potential. At the deepest level of existence we are a mass of Atoms, formed together in different variations and configurations. Just like the ingredients that make up a cake or a loaf of bread are very similar, i.e. water, flour, salt, sugar, etc., so too are the ingredients that make up each physical structure, or compound. Air is made of atoms of oxygen, and hydrogen, you are made up of various Atoms mixed together in recipes that express as different physical manifestations. No matter what the physical manifestation they can all be broken down to an atomic base, and that atomic base is pure energy. Our brains are designed to process bits of electro chemical energy / information. Over the years we use that energy, in the form of images or stories to guide our lives, our actions. This is our Personal Energy, and Foundations Hypnosis teaches you how to Master your Personal Energy.
The second part of the process is learning how to step back and recognize that these bits of electro chemical pieces of energy are not the real you. We are not our thoughts, we are not our bodies, we are something much more. We are the consciousness beyond the dance of atoms, we are observer, the one who experiences and expresses life through our physical body.
Somewhere along the line we forgot that, we began to believe that we are the body, we are the thoughts, we began to let the energy of the thoughts, the stories, control us, and guide us around.
Now is the time to take control, now is the time to change your story. How do you do that? So glad you asked.
When something is generating energy is measured in watts. Since you produce waves of energy that spread out and influence, literally manifest things in your life, let’s take a look at how to take control of the Wattage of your Personal Energy, and become a Personal Energy Master.

Turn up the W.A.T.tage
To create any changes in your life you must start with three basic ingredients.

1) W = WANTS!!!! This is one of the misunderstood portions of the steps to creating changes in your life. We must focus on our Wants, but what that translates into for most people is our Don’t Wants. The brain does not know the difference between a real or imagined event, and it does not recognize the word don’t. If I were to say to you right now, don’t think about the statue of Liberty in the New York Harbor, I can guarantee that you are now thinking about the Statue of Liberty in the New York Harbor. As an example of how this rule effects your wants, let’s say you are focusing on the fact that you Want more money, well when you are focusing on wanting more money, you are actually feeling, remember those pesky electro-chemical bits of energy called emotions, (a.k.a. feelings), that you don’t have enough money, Or say that you are focusing on the fact that you want a new job, well when you have that kind of focus, what you are really saying is that you don’t have a job, or you don’t like the job you have, etc. Whenever you state that you want ________, then what you are really doing is admitting that you don’t have the thing that you want.
What you must do is decide what the experience is that you want, it is not really money that you want, money is only paper, what you really want is the experiences that having money can give you, such as having money can give you the freedom to not have to worry about being able to pay your bills, or the freedom to travel, the sense of independence to do as you please without struggling day after day with worry and stress about all the things that a lack of money entails.
The same applies to any WANT, if you decide you want less stress, more confidence in you life, then you must decide what the experience of having less stress, and more confidence will give to you. It is never the actual physical thing that you want; it is the experience that comes along with having that WANT!!!

2) A = ACKNOWLEDGEMENT, you must truly acknowledge that you can have what it is that you want, you must feel deep in your gut that you can have what it is that if you WANT. If you WANT to live a life of confidence and less stress, then you must believe on a deep level, on a feeling level, that you can experience a life of confidence and ease. You if WANT a new job as the CEO of a multi-million dollar corporation you must acknowledge that it is possible to be the CEO, you must believe that it can happen. This is a very important step in the process, if you do not believe, if you cannot actual feel in your gut that you can be a CEO of a big corporation then it would be almost impossible for you to become one, and if you did then you would not keep the position long. This is why it is so important to learn and practice daily self hypnotic exercises, you must practice to get into that space of relaxation, that place where you can visualize so strongly and allow yourself to actually feel whatever the WANT is that you are visualizing.

3) T = TRUST, this is the key ingredient, TRUST. You must trust, you must have complete faith in the fact that it will be manifested in your life. Whatever it is that you desire, a life of confidence and greater self worth / esteem, more money,, a better job, whatever it is that you WANT, can only become a reality if you TRUST that it will happen. You can identify what it is that you WANT, (step #1), and you can feel what the experience of having that want is going to be like, (step #2), but unless you can put your trust and faith in the fact that it will come true then all your desires will remain dreams and wishes. All you have to do is follow steps #1, and #2, and then let it go, because whatever you put out must manifest in your life.

Look at your life right now, no matter what the condition in your life is, you have been programmed to believe that this is what you deserve, this is what people like you get, you have been programmed to believe that you must struggle, that life is hard, that we cannot have everything that we want, that the other guy always gets the good stuff, that dieting is hard, that we must live from paycheck to paycheck, that quitting cigarettes is next to impossible, the lists goes on, and on, and on. You can want something very badly, (step#1), you can truly acknowledge that it is possible for it to happen, (step #2), but if you do not Trust that it will happen, it most probably won’t.

The one sure way to build up Trust is to keep a journal of your daily self hypnotic exercises. Every single day write down the successes of visualizations, the positive changes that are occurring in your life due to the daily exercises. No matter how small or trivial it might seem, Example, “I did my daily exercise, and I felt much more relaxed, I was able to interact with my boss, and it felt good.” In this manner you will build up your TRUST level as the changes in your life start multiplying, once you begin this process then the results that you desire will keep getting bigger and better.

Hypnosis is so powerful, so incredible in its ability to help you Change you’re Story, and thus help you to Master your Personal Energy, that you will begin to notice that doors you once thought closed to you, will be flung wide open, and the changes to your story will begin to multiply.

Don’t delay another minute, check out the links and resources page on this website. Take an online assessment, let Foundations set up an easy and powerful session that will put you on the road to a new life, a new direction.
