DLScott CH.t. / CDP / AASD

Stop Smoking!!! How many times have you asked yourself why this is so hard to do?

Let’s not kid ourselves; nicotine addiction is one of the hardest habits to stop. I have clients who come to me and hope that they can simply be put to sleep and quit smoking immediately, and while I have  seen people who are able to make the decision to quit smoking, lay their cigarettes down, and never pick them up again, I have also seen people who have tried over and over again, without success. They have tried the patches, they have tried the gum, they have tried support groups for nicotine addiction, and they have tried the quick fix one session hypnosis sessions where they are guaranteed to never smoke again, BUT let’s get serious for a moment. If everyone could simply stop smoking with one try, why are there are so many people still struggling.

One of the biggest reasons that people continue to smoke is because they feel that it is a great way of stress relief. What if you could find another way to deal with stress? What if you could find a way that is non-toxic, inexpensive, healthy, and actually promotes health and vitality instead of taking it away from you. According to the American Medical Society learning Hypnosis can, and does just that.

I have been teaching hypnosis and chemical dependency counselor techniques for a little over twenty years, https://www.dlscottpersonalenergymastery.com/foundations-smoking-cessation-program/ and I have to tell you that you can stop smoking, you can stop your nicotine addiction, and the best, easiest way of doing this is by combining mindfulness to curb the cravings, a simple detoxification program to help physically remove the chemicals and nicotine from your system, Hypnosis and specific Self Hypnosis techniques to further help deal with cravings and stress relief, and basic cognitive behavioral tools to help deal with the habit itself.

Quitting Smoking can only be accomplished if you are ready to participate in your own recovery process. By utilizing the various components of Foundations Hypnosis Seattle listed above, you can completely and totally eliminate nicotine from your life forever. Not only that but you can increase your health, and vitality. Did you know that after only 20 minutes of not smoking, blood pressure drops to normal, and your pulse rate drops to normal.  Within 24 hours your chance of heart attack decreases, and within 48 hours nerve endings start re-growing.

There is another benefit that is very important in today’s economy. Cigarettes sell for about $8.00 a pack. If you smoke a pack a day, then you are spending $240.00 per month.  Just think of the money you will save within just a few days, weeks, or months. I charge $225.00 for the entire smoking program, that includes all four sessions, and a guarentee follow up session if that is what is needed. This price is less than the cost of one month’s worth of  a pack a day habit.

If you are ready to quit smoking, if you are ready to eliminate nicotine addiction from your life forever then don’t delay, call Foundations Hypnosis Seattle ~ Everett at (206) 417-4900 today. https://www.dlscottpersonalenergymastery.com/foundations-smoking-cessation-program/