DL Scott CH.t. / CDP / AASD

As the old saying goes, there is more than one way to skin a cat.  (Hmm-m-m makes you wonder where some of these old sayings actually came from).

I am currently working with three clients who are smoking cessation clients, (my practice is inclusive of many different client goals and client and issues, and smoking cessation is simply one aspect of what clients seek my services for), one client came in today and continued with the process of reinforcement. She has quit smoking for over two and one half days. Another client just started the process yesterday, and the third client is completing her sessions in two days although her quit date was officially yesterday. What do all of these clients have in common?

Well first off they decided to combine hypnosis and quitting smoking, and they all decided experience the entire DL Scott Smoking Cessation Program, https://www.dlscottpersonalenergymastery.com/foundations-smoking-cessation-program/which includes a unique detox program, cognitive behavioral therapeutic techniques based on chemical dependency counseling, which is part of what DL Scott provides his clients, and they all have the benefit of in person hypnosis to address cravings, urges, and stress relief techniques. Along with all of this they have the benefit of a personal copy of an mp3 smoking cessation download to use while they adjust to their quitting smoking.

You can find many cheap hypnosis smoking cessation mp3 downloads on the Internet,   and  some make claims that just by listening to the smoking cessation download you will be able to quit smoking in just a few short days.

The truth is that if you are going to buy a smoking cessaion mp3 please do some research on hypnosis and quitting smoking. I provide a unique four part in person program that is based on utilizing various tools, and techniques to help clients who are quitting smoking. I provide an entire program, because as I tell my clients, nothing can make you quit smoking, you have to want to quit, and then you need to decide what tools or program you are willing to try to accomplish your goals. There are great tools and techniques that can help you while quitting smoking, but the rule of thumb is that not just one tool is going to effectively get the job done. That would be like giving someone just a hammer and then asking them to go build a house. It takes an entire tool box full of great tools to get the job done.

The smoking cessation mp3, that is provided by Foundations DL Scott,  is one of the best tools that you will have in your tool box, but it is not the only tool that you should have. I have discovered over the years that the most successful quitting smoking program includes both hypnosis, and cognitive behavioral therapy, which is why when you buy a stop smoking CD from . https://www.dlscottpersonalenergymastery.com/product/smoking-cessation/you will receive the same booklet of instructions that my clients get when they participate in the in person smoking cessation program with DL Scott, https://www.dlscottpersonalenergymastery.com/foundations-smoking-cessation-program/

If you are ready to quit smoking, and you have made that final decision, nothing is going to stop you from accomplishing your goal. You need to arm yourself with best tools and techniques to make your smoking cessation program a success.      https://www.dlscottpersonalenergymastery.com/product/smoking-cessation/