What Stories are You Made Up Of?
DLScott CH.t / CDP / AASD

Science and physics tells us that we are made up of atoms, in actuality we are made up of stories. Many years ago Albert Einstein had said that we cannot solve the problem at the level of the problem, and yet I find that many of us immediately jump to that level of a solution as soon as we become aware of problems that arise in our lives.
I can’t tell you how many of my clients come in with the expectation that they are going to use hypnosis to uncover the deep and hidden sources of their stories. One of the greatest stories of our culture is that we are victims; that we are at the mercy of people and events outside of ourselves. Somehow if we can uncover just who did all of this to us, who started all of this, if we can just uncover the enemy, then we can escape and make a new life for ourselves.
This belief comes from the idea that our stories are true, that we are the victims of our stories, that if we can find out the source of our stories, then we will be able to stop them at the source, and everything in our lives will be swell. Nothing can be further from the truth, no matter what the source of our story or stories, are, it doesn’t matter. What matters is that you uncover the story that you yourself have been living from, and then YOU change the story, YOU find a new one to put in its place. Until you change the story that you are living from, the stories that make up your belief system, you are going to continue to live the same type of circumstances over and over again.
You must come to grips with the idea that You and You alone are responsible for keeping these stories in place, and You, and You alone can change old stories for NEW.
Do any of these stories resonate with you?
• I am not good enough
• I am not smart enough
• I don’t have a degree so I can’t get the kind of job that I want
• Life is hard
• You have to struggle to get a head
• My family never had enough money, so I will never have enough money
• Everyone in my family is overweight, so I am doomed to be overweight

Sound familiar? No matter where these stories come from, parents, school, your church,
friends, television news, or shows, whatever the origin or source of the story, it does not matter. They are all still made up stories.
As you human beings we all interpret images and messages that we receive, we take everything personal and immediately make up stories that have us at the center of the story.
A good example is in the following story. While out with friends at a party, you meet someone new. There seems to be an attraction, and the two of you talk so easily, you seem to really hit it off. Your new friend asks for your phone number and says, “I will call you and we can make a date to get together again”. You go home elated, excited, telling yourself the story that this is love of your life, that you will start dating and soon become a couple. You will sail off into the sunset with your new life partner. You spend hours and then days waiting for a phone call, but the phone call never comes. Now your happiness your excitement comes to an end. You decide that the person really never liked you in the firs. You now make up the story that you were just someone that they could make use for the evening and then toss aside. Based on old tapes, old stories of not being good enough to have a relationship, not being smart enough or pretty enough, based on old stories about life always being a struggle, or being hard, you now make up a new story about why the person hasn’t called.
The truth of the matter is that the person was called out of town on business. They left your phone number at home, and just have not been able to get in touch with you yet.
I can relate another story from my own past that exemplifies how the stories we make up, can affect us, and keep us stuck for years. When I was a teenage boy, I was trying to come to grips with my own sexual identity. Growing up in a small town in the mid-west during the 60(s) and 70(s), I was keeping myself in the closet. I wanted to talk with someone, I had to take a chance and reach out to someone that I thought I could trust. I chose my best friend, a school mate whose family had recently moved to a small town about twenty miles from me. I wrote him a letter, pouring out my feelings, telling him that I just needed someone to talk with about my secret.
I sent off the letter, assured that my friend would write me back, and we could talk. Weeks went by and no response came. Finally I ran into a mutual friend who told me that my friend had received the letter and had decided that I was sick and perverted and that he never wanted to see me again.
That was all that it took, I went even further into the closet and swore never to tell anyone about myself again, I was never going to let anyone know what I was really feeling because now I had proof that life was hard, people were no good, and I was not good enough to have real friends. I ran into my “friend” a few years after that, and I had so many walls up, that there was no way that I would let him in. My story was set firmly in place. We talked about the weather, we talked about the news, and we talked about everything except the letter.
It was several years later, after I had left the mid – west and that I decided that I wanted to put closure on the incident. I got on the internet, determined to locate my boyhood friend through the internet. Weeks of trying to find him finally lead me to a mutual friend at the last school that he attended. What I discovered was a shock and an eye opener in terms of how our lives are run by our stories. I tracked down his sister, “who I had been told by the mutual friend, knew all about the letter”. She said that remembered one weekend when the mutual friend was staying over with her, she had grabbed a letter that had arrived from me, and opened it, but never told anyone what was in the letter. She revealed that the mutual friend a crush on her brother and was angry when the feelings were not returned, and she spent a lot of time causing problems in my friend’s life after that.
My friend had often told his sister that he never understood why I stopped talking with him, why I cut off our friendship. He had never received the letter from me, but the bitter girl friend had somehow gotten a hold of the letter while she was over at the house, took it and read it herself.
When I next talked with my friend it was my own story of not being good enough, of not being worthy, that would not allow me to address the issue with him.
The saddest part to this tale is that my friend was now dead, and I would never have the opportunity to talk with him. My story, all made up and designed to protect me, kept me stuck and unable to move ahead.
So I ask you again, what stories are you made up of, and what NEW stories are you willing to believe that will allow you a brand new life, a new brand new set of life circumstances.
Are you willing to believe the following?
• I am good enough
• I am smart enough
• My life is not limited by the lack of a Master’s degree, lots of people get their dream jobs with their experience, and abilities
• Life is a joy, life is fun and exciting
• You can have the life of your dream while having fun doing it
• So what if my family never had money, I have the ability to make good money, easily, and effortlessly
• There are lots of people who have a different body weight and shape then their other family members.
You can change your story by simple techniques and skills taught through Foundations Hypnosis Seattle ~ Bellevue. You will learn how your own stories keep you blocked, how the stress you carry in your body, based on these stories, don’t allow you to experience life to the fullest. Like a river that is damned up by debris and obstacles put in its path, your life energy becomes blocked by stress and tension. You will be taught simple daily exercises that will allow you to recognize, become aware of, and then easily and effectively release old stories and beliefs that keep you from:
• Eliminating addictive and compulsive behavior
• Believing in yourself
• Increasing self worth and self esteem
• Eliminating Panic and Anxiety Attacks
• Relieving the pain of those Physical or Emotional Stories
• Eliminating Insomnia
There are literally hundreds of benefits you can obtain from Hypnosis, why not let go of the Story that has kept your life stuck, and start living a new story of grace, ease, and happiness. Call for an appointment, or take the easy online assessment provided on the Foundations website. I can assure you that you will be glad that you did.