Teenager Counseling and Smoking Cessation Programs

DLScott CH.t.  / CDP / AASD

        I have noticed a trend of late in the rate of teen smoking and smoking cessation for teens.   In my long career as both a chemical dependency counselor and hypnotherapist, in the Seattle ~ Everett area, I have found myself working with people of all ages and types, and what I have discovered is that success or failure has little to do with age.  It all boils down to beliefs, and agreements that we have adopted and that we have attached emotional meaning to.

            I have worked with several programs for teens. In terms of smoking cessation for teens,  there has always been one basic criterion in common, they had decided to quit smoking and were ready to utilize the tools presented to them in Foundations Hypnosis Seattle ~ Everett smoking cessation program.  (During the years I have found this to be true whether I was working in private practice or working through a Mental Health agency such as a national smoking cessation program through a medical cooperative).  

            I recall one client who was so determined to quit smoking that he was able to quit a week ahead of schedule because he applied the tools and skills so passionately and daily, that it would have been hard not to imagine him being able to quit smoking before his chosen quit date.

            Generally the success of hypnosis as a smoking cessation program is the highest of any of the smoking cessation tools, and that includes teen smoking, programs for teens, and any other teen counseling programs.

The statistics show that success rates run from 92% to 98%, and when you compare that to other smoking cessation programs, nicotine patches, cold turkey, cognitive behavioral  counseling programs all at between 7% to 27%, it shows how powerful and valuable this tool actually is.

When it comes to quit smoking success stories, just listen to what a couple of Foundations Hypnosis clients have said:

“After nearly 30 years of smoking I was able to quit with the help of Foundations Hypnosis North Seattle ~ Everett, technique’s developed by DL Scott.
Even though I had tried everything I could find in attempts to quit, it was only with DL Scott’s guidance and support that I was finally free.
I have not smoked, nor wanted to, in over 12 years.

“Mykal Amare


“I feel great about this program. I would recommend it to anyone who wants to quit. I find the tools given, such as the CD, the self hypnosis training, the step down process, have all made this an easy and enjoyable experience for me.”

T. Weaver


“I was able to quit so easily and comfortably, that I have recommended it to both family and friends. It was the best money that I ever spent.”

B. Wilson


            Whether you are a seeking a program for smoking cessation for teens, or just simply seeking smoking cessation programs, then DON’T DELAY.  Call Foundations Hypnosis at (206) 417-4900 NOW!!!!   Everett counseling therapist and North Seattle Hypnotherapy