DLScott CH.t. / CDP / AASD

 How many times do you receive invitations to learn how to make your dreams come true through the power known as “The Law of Attraction”?  It seems like everyone has jumped on the bandwagon, and are now making claims that amount to the promises that if you simply think positive thoughts, and repeat daily affirmations, the riches of the universe will be delivered to your door.

 If this is the case why are there so many people living in a state of lack, and feeling so much stress, and anxiety, that they are unable to sleep at night, or turning to all manner of substances and behaviors  that are causing them such negative consequences, that they feel like their lives are falling apart.

 There is an answer, but it is not always the answer that so many people are promised.  You can use the tremendous power of your mind to create the Life You Want, the Life You Were born to Experience, but YOU must take personal responsibility for the Life You already have.

When you wake up in the morning, what is the first thought(s) that come to mind? Do you groan, and say to yourself, “oh god another day to get through”, or do take a deep breath, and thank the universe for another night of rest and comfort in your warm bed?

What we put our attention on is what we continue to perceive in our lives.  When we focus on the negative, stressful, events and issues in our lives, we are going to continue to experience everything that comes to us in a negative and stressful way.

 Several years ago, when I was an avid scuba diver, I could not go out to anywhere, the supermarket, gas station, coffee shop, etc., without running into at least 3 or 4 scuba divers a week. Once I curtailed my own scuba diving activities, and my mind was not as focused on this subject, I stopped running into other scuba divers on a regular basis. Now the question is, was I magically attracting these scuba divers into my life, or was I focused so much on something I loved, that I was recognizing others who shared this same passion? Either way the result was the same, but the message underneath is much more profound.  WHAT WE PUT OUR ATTENTION ON, INCREASES IN OUR LIVES!!!!!

If you spend your day(s) complaining and focusing on everything that you dislike, or don’t want, then this is what you are going to keep getting in your life. You won’t have the ability to see the good things when they are staring you in the face.

To shift your attention, and start to experience the good that is front of you each day, you must let go of the negative energy of the past. The quickest and most powerful way of doing this is through Self Hypnosis, Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy, and Emotional Release Therapy.

Within just a few short sessions of Foundations Hypnosis Seattle ~ Lynnwood ~ Everett, you will learn how to switch your emotional, vibrational, patterns, from those that guarantee that you constantly struggle to those that guarantee  the experience of pleasure, abundance, increased self worth, elimination of addictive and compulsive behaviors, and the ability to ACTUALLY enjoy the type of life that you have always fantasized about, dreamed about, and wanted.

It is up to you, THE POWER is within you; learn simple basic techniques to unleash this power.  You may not become the next Bill Gates or Warren Buffet, but you will learn how to increase the joy, the abundance and the pleasure in your life.

If you are wanting to know more about this powerful life altering experience, if you are dealing with emotional stress, and behavioral issues that have you kept stuck, then don’t delay, call Foundations Hypnosis Seattle ~ Everett at (206) 417-4900 today. Everett counseling therapist and North Seattle Hypnotherapy