If you could use Hypnosis, Life Coaching, and Mindfulness, to relieve the tension and stress of your life would you do it? How would you like to have 2018 be a new begining in your life?
Your Tension and Stress are not the result of outside events, but instead, they are the result of internal perceptions of the events that exist outside of you. I read recntly that there are four major reasons for Tension: (I Want To Change My Life by Steven Melemis PHD. M.D.)
- Not being in the moment (Ekart Tolle said it best in his book The Power of Now. When we are not focused on the present, we are stuck in feeling guilt or shame about our past, or worrying about the future. The mind knows no difference between a real or imagined event, and so when we focus on either the past or the future, our minds preceive this as true, and send out waves of chemicals, such as andrenaline and cortisol, which do a lot of damage to our bodies).
- Resentments (Our assumptions and perceptions lead us to resentments abouit other people and other events. A perfect example is when someone pulls in front of you in traffic, thus cutting you off. We immediately resent the drivers actions, believe that it was done towards us intentionally and we hold onto anger and resentment. )
- Fears (People have all types of ideas and theories about our biggest fear. Some say it is a fear of death, or a fear of failure, BUT our biggest fear is one that we raised with on a fairly consistant basis by the adults in our lives, family, teachers, churches, and freinds. The fear is the fear of criticism, the fear of being judged. In our culture we are taught to fear that we are never good enough. We are taught that you have to beautiful, smart, intellegent, and successful. Each one of those traits are based upon perceptions, and those perceptions are guided primarily by the peopole around us, and by the media).
- Tryin to control things we can’t control. (The thing that we try to control the most, are the actions of other people. The more we try, and fail, the more tense or stressed we become. There is only one person that you can control, and that person is you).
When we constantly react to our thoughts and feelings, instead of being Mindful of thoughts and feelings, we are allowing our EGO to take control. We are desperately seeking some person, some event that will allow us to feel happy, we are allowing our thoughts and our reactions to other people and other events to create our personal world. Happiness is choice. We have been conditioned to believe that things and people will make us happy, we have been programed and conditioned to expect something outside of us to rescue us, to cause our happiness. Our past conditioning has taught us to react to other people and outside events, instead of being mindful of our thoughts and reactions.
I have said it before and it bears repeating, we are not our thoughts, we are not our feelings, and we are not our body, we certainly experience our thoughts feelings, and body. And we usually experience it in such a way that could swear that these things are exactly what we are.
Think about that, if someone asks you, “Who are you?” what would you answer? Would you answer, “I am (fill in your name)”, or I am an American citizen, or I am a father, a mother, I am (fill in your occupation)”, and a whole list of who we are according to the roles that we play. Therein lays the problem. We believe we are these things, these roles that we play, such as “I am an addict, I am a cancer victim, I am the survivor of abuse”, and once again the list goes on and on. It is the EGO that plays these roles, and they actually break down into three roles, 1) Judge 2)Victim, 3) Perpetrator. When your EGO is playing any one of these roles, it has the one thing that it really wants. It has the starring role in the drama you call your life.
Are you ready to change your daily experience? Are you ready to make a new choice and start experiencing the best year of your life, or are you still hanging on to old beliefs, old behaviors, and all the things that Your Ego dictates is what you are. Have you tried to stop smoking, eliminate addictions, lose weight, and increase self worth and self esteem? Have you read all of the books and seen all of the videos on the Law of Attraction, and yet nothing seems to change? Foundations Hypnosis Seattle ~ Lynnwood ~ Everett, has the solution. Call now, 206-417-4900, you will be glad that you did.