How can you use Hypnosis and Mindfulness to take control of your life? So many people  call Foundations Hypnosis seeking ways of dealing with stress and anxiety, or to reduce or eliminate coping mechanisms such as drugs, alcohol, food, or obsessive behaviors. Initially they are looking for a magic bullet, hoping that they can be put into a hypnotic trance and all of their problems will disappear, but what they find is a set of tools and techniques that will allow them to regain complete and total control of their thoughts and emotions.

With the power of Hypnosis and Mindfulness the client is taught how to reduce, and eliminate the effects of random negative throughs and images, while increasing the effects of positive thoughts and images. An analogy that I use with my clients is to think of your car. If you were to get into your car, turn the engine on, put it in gear, take off the brakes and then get out of the car, what would happen to the car. The car would roll around until it hits something and is stopped. Think of your body as the chassis to the car, your mind is the engine to the car, but where is the driver?

We are not our thoughts, we are not our emotions, we are the life force, the driver of the car. With the power of Hypnosis you will be able to take conscious control of your brain / ego, you will be able to slow down, and direct your responses to outside events and other people.

Have you ever chosen to use things like cigarettes, drugs, alcohol, food intake, and behaviors to try and make yourself feel better, get rid of stress and anxiety. The idea of using a coping mechanism is a good idea, but we usually choose coping mechanisms, that result in very damaging and unhealthy consequence’s. By choosing to use Hypnosis and Mindfulness as your new coping mechanism, you are choosing a coping mechanism that does not include damaging and unhealthy consequences. You have instead chosen a coping mechanism that causes you to relax, unwind, and has many healthy and beneficial long lasting consequences. 

I have had clients who have come in with addictions to coping mechanisms such as smoking, drinking, over eating, and unhealthy behaviors, and within a few sessions they are able to completely release their old consequences, easily, and with no stress.  Learn to use your mind / ego through the power of Hypnosis and Mindfulness to live the type of life you desire.

Call now, Foundations Medical Hypnosis and Life Coaching, (206) 417-4900, or email me at You will be so glad that you have taken this step.