DLScott CH.t. / CDP / AASD

According to the latest neuroscience research there is evidence and proof that our thoughts and feelings change the structure of our brains and the way that our brain functions. Another way of saying this is what you think is what you get.  That sounds simple enough, “if I just change my thinking, then I will get a different result”.  The question then becomes, why is it so hard to change my thoughts?

So many clients come to see me and are hoping that I can put them to sleep and by saying a few magic words while they are in a deep state of hypnosis, such as “smoking will make you sick, smoking will make you sick”, they will immediately and completely stop smoking. The same can be said for people who come to me for any other alcohol, drug, or obsessive compulsive behavior.  While it true that new thoughts, new images, can be generated in the brain while a person is in a deeply relaxed state of mind, the question becomes what type of thoughts are going to get the results that you are looking for.

The brain consists of three basic parts or areas. Each area is in charge of different activities or jobs.  The reptilian brain is in charge of autonomic functions, such as breathing, heart rate, blood flow,  and thousands of other bodily functions that we don’t have to give much conscious thought to. The sub-cortical or subconscious brain is in charge of the storage of
thousands and thousands of deeply held beliefs and ideas, and finally the cortex or the conscious brain is in charge of higher thinking and higher reasoning.

While the brain is still being researched and new discoveries are being made every day, what we do know is that most of behaviors and actions spring from the thousands and thousands of thoughts, images, and ideas held in the sub-cortical or subconscious portion of our brain. Since we were very young we, each and every one of us, have given our power over to the sub-cortical region of our brain, and this is what causes most of our problems. What we think of as our brain, (the sub-cortical region), gives far more attention to our negative thoughts and feelings then to our positive thoughts and feelings.


Our subconscious reacts to each and every thought, but it reacts to the negative thoughts and feelings as though they are a threat to our survival. Our basic programming is directed to our survival and  whenever the brain perceives a threat to that survival, it goes into a fight or flight mode. This fight or flight mode produces stress, and anxiety in the body, it causes our blood pressure to rise, it causes  our muscles to tense up, it causes our breathing to become faster and shallower, it causes certain systems in our body to shut down temporarily, so we can focus on the perceived threat. They are a few  more physical reactions that occur, but hopefully you get the general idea.

The point is to then replace negative thoughts and feelings with positive thoughts and feelings. If that is the case then why not just have a client come in, help them go into a deeply relaxed state of consciousness, and fill them with thoughts of what they want, instead of what they don’t want.

That is one of the things that happens when you visit Foundations Hypnosis ~ Seattle, but it not the complete answer to attracting what you want. First you must let go of the old attachments to beliefs and ideas that are causing you problems, those underlying issues that most of us are constantly reacting to, and dealing with by such behaviors as obsessive compulsive behaviors and addictions.

I want you to try something right now, I want you to not think of the statue of liberty in New York harbor. Before you can not think of the statue of liberty in New York harbor, your brain has to create an image of the statue of liberty, to not think about. It is the same with everything you try not to think of. First your brain must create the image, so it knows not what to think about.  The first order of business with any client is to help them detach from the negative effects of thoughts and images.

This where Emotional Release Therapy comes in. By tricking the brain into its survival technique, you can actually let go of the attachment to emotions that are created or generated by the negative images and beliefs, without having to focus on what the negative image or belief is.

Once this is accomplished in the office, and you are instructed in simple ways to continue this effect throughout your week, you then come back in and are now guided through images that are geared toward the experiences you want. You will not receive a bunch of negative images and messages that tell you to not focus on the behavior you are trying to get rid of, instead you will be receive new images and new messages about what you want to experience.  Think about that, if you are trying to quit smoking, would it be better to think about smoking and how bad it is for you, or would it be better to experience new behaviors and new images of things that can produce the results you once thought that you needed cigarettes to get, such as relaxation, something to do with your hands, ways of socializing with friends, etc.

To really make changes in your life, and your life circumstances you must participate in the activities that will help you to accomplish those changes, such as daily self hypnosis and meditations, daily gratitude, and simple daily mindfulness exercises. I have witnessed what some would call miracles. I have seen people recovery from daily use of drugs, I have seen people eliminate anger, panic, anxiety, and phobias from their lives, all within a matter of weeks. Hypnosis is the key, you are going to have to participate by putting the key in lock.

(If you are wanting to know more about this powerful life altering experience, if you are dealing with emotional stress, and behavioral issues that have you kept stuck, then don’t delay, call Foundations Hypnosis Seattle ~ Everett at (206) 417-4900 today. Everett counseling therapist and North Seattle Hypnotherapy )