Since the pandemic of Covid-19 began in the early part of this year, I have seen a rise in depression, anger, and addictions in my clients.  Given the anger that comes from the current culture, the pandemic, the political arena, racism, and financial hardship, there are more and more people searching for tools and techniques to help navigate the sea of emotional waters that they are treading in.  From the stand point of Emotional Release Therapy, Hypnosis, and Mindfulness, you are not your thoughts, you are not your feelings, but you are in fact the master of your emotions, the master of your thoughts.

With that said, it is very easy to slip into emotions that are triggered by the images and messages of things going on around us.

With the aide of Hypnosis, you can learn how to lower your brain wave frequencies and allow yourself the relaxation that is generated by slower frequencies that come from dropping down to Alpha Brain Wave Frequencies via, Self Hypnosis, Meditation, Mindfulness, and Emotional Release Techniques.

With the extra time that each of us are afforded by social isolation, people are prone to allow random images, and messages, flow through their conscious minds. These random images and messages cause the activation of what is known as the sympathetic nervous system, and the sympathetic nervous systems is designed to put us on alert, to view everything and everyone around us as a threat to our happiness, our safety, and our survival.

How can this be reduced and eliminated?

Foundations Medical Hypnosis and Life Coaching, uses a very powerful technique called Emotional Release Therapy.  It works in the same way that EMDR works, but with the addition of Hypnosis, it works more powerfully and swiftly then EMDR, and you will learn how to turn this technique by yourself in the quiet of your own space.

Just listen to what one client, BVT. has to say about Foundations Medical Hypnosis and Life Coaching.

I was looking for an experienced hypnotherapist who could help me with anxiety issues, and I’m very glad I found DL Scott. I was only looking for hypnosis to aid my anxiety, but as it turned out, I also benefited greatly from his knowledge and skills in counseling and life coaching. I highly recommend him. “BVT”.
More and more people are looking for peace of mind,  and the tools and techniques that can help them achieve that peace of mind.
Call now, (206) 417-4900, or contact me via e-mail at Learn healthy coping mechanisms to master your thoughts and emotions, and reduce and eliminate the effects of anger, depression, and stress that accompany these thoughts.
We are seeing clients within the guidelines of safety and well being.