DLScott CH.t / AASD / CDP
So if mp3 downloads work so well, why should people bother with going to see a hypnotherapist?
The answer lies in fact that as good as mp3 downloads are, you are actually only experiencing part of the process when you listen to you hypnosis mp3. https://www.dlscottpersonalenergymastery.com/products-page/
When I have a client come to see me for hypnotic sessions, they usually spend about an hour to an hour and one half with me in the studio. We talk about the presenting issue, such as anxiety, depression, smoking cessation, weight loss, self worth, self esteem, or sleeping problems, such as insominia. I am a trained counselor with over twenty years in the field. As a client who has elected for in person hypnosis, you will not only recieve in person hypnosis, but you will also recieve a full evaluation, and mental health counseling which will include such things as mindfulness techniques specifically targeting your own own lifestlye, stress relief, cognitive behavioral therapy suggestions, and a complete explanation of the process.
Along with your own ability to explore ideas and views of your issue, that you may not have thought of before the session, you will have the expert advice and skills of a trained therapist to help you on your journey.
Now does this mean that hypnosis mp3 downloads are inferior and won’t work for you? Absolutely not! Hypnosis mp3 downloads are a powerful tool that will allow you to go into a deeply meditative state, and change your thinking process at the level of your subconscious, thus allowing you to shift old beliefs, images, and life long patterns of behavior that have kept you stuck in some areas of your life, https://www.dlscottpersonalenergymastery.com/products-page/ .
For some people, going into a hypnotic state is harder; at first; when they feel they are being watched. Being introduced into this state with a hypnosis mp3 download in the quiet and comfort of your home is just the thing they need to break through this psychological barrier. If you are thinking of experiencing a life changing event, and you are ready to develop a program that includes using hypnosis, then please check out Foundation Hypnosis Seattle to find the hypnosis mp3 download that is just right for you. https://www.dlscottpersonalenergymastery.com/