The Three Rules of Sobriety
Part Two
Foundations Hypnosis Seattle ~ Bellevue
In part one of this series we looked at an overview of traditional Chemical Dependency treatment, and how it uses a lot of 12 step methodology to treat the issue of addiction. We also briefly looked at the Three Rules of Sobriety, and how they can be used as a more effective basis for treatment of Obsessive, Compulsive, and Addiction issues.
Those Three Rules are:
1) The Rule of Attention: What you put your attention on increases in your life.
2) The Rule of Detachment.
3) The Rule of Deliberate Creation.
(See Part One for further details of these rules.)
The First Rule is the Rule of Attention, What you put your attention on increases in your life. By now many of you have heard, seen, or read, The Secret, the story of the Law of Attraction. Simply put, the idea is that everything that exists is made of energy, you, the clothes you wear, the air you breathe, the chair that you sit in, everything, including the thoughts that we think.
Energy vibrates, and so everything that exists has a vibrational pattern or frequency. Think about that, it has been proving that everything that exists has a vibrational pattern or frequency. The air you breathe, the earth you stand on, the objects you hold in your hand, your body, everything vibrates. That includes your thoughts. Your thoughts are actually electro chemical bits of information, and they have their own vibrational frequency.
There is one law of physics that cannot be broken, vibrations attract vibrations. Like a magnet, our thoughts, and our feelings, attract corresponding vibrational patterns that will support the attracting pattern. In other words if you are vibrating in a negative pattern, i.e. low self worth, low self esteem, you will continue to attract events, and people into your life that will support that vibrational pattern.
Now here is the rub, if you focus all of your attention on your drug of choice, “I don’t want to use drugs, or I don’t want to drink alcohol”, then what you are actually doing is creating the feeling of dread and imagery of using drugs, and alcohol. The feelings created by the thoughts are so powerful in their vibrational attraction, that they will consistently give you the same events and people in your life that will ALLOW you to continue the same behavior over and over again.
If you use drugs to create a feeling of relief, numbness, or pleasure, then you need to figure out other events and ideas that will give you that feeling of pleasure, or relief from your stresses, and learn how to create those types of images in your mind.
It has been discovered that we have thousands and thousands of random thoughts each day, and to even try to think about controlling every thought could scare you enough to go right out and escape the thought by grabbing your drug of choice.
Instead, you must begin to think not so much in terms of thoughts, but in terms of the feelings created by those thoughts. With the power of Hypnosis, you can start cleaning up old images, old thoughts, that consistently lead you back to the same behavior over and over again. Utilizing a powerful technique called Emotional Release Therapy, you can detach from the feelings attached to particular memories, and start building new images, new thoughts that will attract and manifest your new life of Recovery.
How can all this be possible? Well tune into Part Three to learn more.